Clean Effects™ Filtration Systems in Palm Beach County, FL
Best in Class Air Filter Installation in Palm Beach and Martin Counties
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Do you know what’s in the air in your home? While most people imagine that the majority of the debris that floats around is captured by their HVAC system’s air filter, the truth is these filters simply don’t capture a tremendous amount of debris. This includes some potentially harmful microbes like bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, and so much more.
Whether you struggle with asthma or another respiratory condition, you have a weakened immune system, or you simply want the peace of mind that comes from knowing the air you’re breathing is truly superior-quality, we encourage you to consider purchasing the Clean Effects™ Air Filtration System from Trane for your home!
Interested in installing the Trane Clean Effects™ air filtration system for your home? Call Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air at 561-708-4989 for more information today.
Does the Clean Effects™ System Consume More Energy?
Many people are concerned that adding too dense of an air filter to their HVAC system will result in excessive energy consumption or a huge extra burden on their energy bills. The Clean Effects™ system is unlike any type of air filtration system to come before it because it not only doesn’t reduce airflow through your system, but it uses only a tiny amount of additional energy.
The system works by using a charged metal grid to charge the particulate matter flowing through it. These charged particles are then attracted to the oppositely-charged collection cells on the other side of the grid. As a result, the particles stick to the filter, while the air itself passes through with ease. As a result, the system removes more than 99% of all particulate matter while barely impacting your HVAC system’s airflow. As a result, your energy bills change so little you may not see a difference at all. And all of this requires very little maintenance as well—simply vacuum out the collection cells once or twice a year, and your system will continue to function like-new for years.
What Is the Clean Effects™ System?
The Trane Clean Effects™ air filtration system is an advanced, ultra-effective air filtration system designed to work in conjunction with your already-existing HVAC equipment. These systems use a high-capacity, heavily-pleated air filter that’s designed to capture a mind-boggling 99.98% of all allergens that are floating in the air around you. The filter is even capable of capturing particles as small as .1 microns in size, or approximately 300 times smaller than the width of a thin human hair. With this kind of filtration power, everything from the smallest bacteria and viruses to pollen, mold spores, and more will all be reliably filtered out, leaving your home with truly clean, fresh, and high-quality air for you to breathe.
The Clean Effects™ system offers the following benefits:
- The system is up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1” thick HVAC filter
- Can reduce the need to dust your home or office by up to 50%
- Is capable of capturing and filtering out smog, smoke, and even the smallest household dust particles
- The unit has been Certified Asthma and Allergy Friendly
The system’s performance has been verified by leading testing experts as well—the Harvard School of Public Health has tested this system and verified these clams to be honest repeatable! To put it simply, if you’re looking for high-quality air in your home, you won’t find better filtration anywhere else.
Do you want truly clean air in your home or business? Talk to Palm Beach County’s air quality experts by contacting Hi-Tech Plumbing, Air & Electrical today!